Interior Design Ideas - Ofdesign

20 design ideas bathroom bathroom bathroom harmonious and fresh Japanese style

Turn your bathroom into an oasis of well-being – we give you 17 design ideas inspiration Japanese style bath! Nowadays the modern bathroom has become a haven of peace where you can relax after a long day of work.

Bathroom Design Ideas – modernity and space

The modern Japanese style bath has similarities with minimalism. The furniture offers extra storage space. The implementation of the water single room in a home can be limited to a bathroom and a sink with clean lines – is all you need to feel at ease. A single base cabinet may very well add to the interior. The economic system is a new bathroom design ideas that you can get more functionality and comfort.

Bathroom design ideas – new combination of minimalism and natural materials

Share your areas make it appear on the spacious bathroom. The shower can look very stylish when it is separated by a glass wall. Of course you should not forget the pieces – play an important role in the design of the bathroom in Japanese style. Our ideas of bathroom design have different design possibilities with natural materials. Stone tiles or marble tiles are a good choice for the walls and the floor. The creativity, you can view, using mosaic tiles on the floor. Rustic wooden furniture, such as small chairs and benches inside cool.

Decorative elements – inseparable parts of the bathroom stylish

Original decoration can spice minimalist style. A nice Atmosphaere can be combined with plants to create with flowers such as orchids, for example, or river stones. Thus, the natural look is preserved.

The color palette – the most important element in the design of the bathroom

The colors must be carefully matched to each other. Do you prefer red – is connected to the fire. As is known, in combination with the light water. Very popular are the cream – and shades of sand. These natural colors make the room more welcoming. Japanese-style bathrooms were characterized by the use of co-ordinated accessories – that enliven the room.

Fantastic spa at home

If you want to transform the bathroom into a Aromaterapieraum, you can use aromatherapy scents and candles. It would be better for you if you do not chemically produced fragrances.

The use of wood and glass in the bathroom

Minimalist bathroom interior

Give your bathroom an Asian twist

Natural stone tiles are suitable for Japanese style

Modernist combination of traditional

Simple Asian style bathroom

Ovals appease the ambient atmosphere

Japanese environment as

Beautiful bathrooms for purists

Use ladder towel

Natural environment with houseplants

Rustic accents located in the band

The minimalist design of the wetland

Asian-inspired decor