Interior Design Ideas - Ofdesign

20 great ideas for the development of several homes

Even if you have a small apartment, set in style and enjoy the space optimally. Interior small apartment is subject to some simple rules. With the right furniture, colors and storage solutions, you can get the comfort you want, no matter how many square feet actually available.

Establishment of a small apartment – feeling of lightness

Create a sense of lightness. Bright colors, simple furnishings and sheer fabrics work well in small spaces. A cream sofa, white shelves and wooden floors give the elegance of the room. The right lighting can also help to make the room look bigger than it really is. Surfaces and mirrors painted to bring the illusion of space, while some substances can darken the room. Also be careful with the models. Only one element modeled in the room is sufficient.

Tips for creating small apartment

Select flexible and versatile pieces of furniture that can perform other functions. A stool can also be used as a bedside table, bedside table or provide additional seating. Furniture can also close more freedom of movement. The storage space is available for the implementation of the small apartment of great importance. Think of a storage bed or closet. Remove the space in length and use the entire surface of the wall in an optimal way. If you need to set up a studio, then consider the need for privacy and the limits of the bed. Screens, blinds, curtains, wall unit as a room divider .. the possibilities are numerous.

visually distinguish the bed

hide in a niche

bright colors such as cream and white

Pure white and airy

Glossy surfaces create space illusions

small dining room and a folding table

Bed with storage

Place for all areas of life