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How to compost? Ask yourself in garden compost here!

We will give you tips for the production of compost for the garden. In this article, you will learn how composting can be done quickly and without much effort.

How to Compost? Simple instructions for home gardeners

Wondering – how to make compost in itself, and do not expect a flower garden, you have to learn how to compost properly. This task is quite simple, in fact, as long as you follow a few rules. There are basically two ways to produce compost itself. The first are the so-called cold compost pile. Simply collect organic materials such as bowls of fruit, vegetable scraps, coffee, eggshells into a compost pile. In the course of a year, slowly make compost. The second option is especially good to use for the hot summer months. You can use the warm weather and produce compost in 1-3 months. There are four conditions that must be fulfilled here – nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water and air. The combination of these elements has happened for the microorganisms.

Produce compost pile itself – How COMPOST

This allows you to call effective hot composting, building a compost pile at least 1 meter high. The compost pile should consist of a thick layer of 10 cm-20cm equal. Put a layer residual kitchen / eggs, fruits, vegetables, coffee / and a layer of leaves of matter / dry autumn, paper, sawdust / shells. It is important to spray in the summer months, the pile with water. In this case, you should be careful – too much water and rot the battery. While it is possible to avoid this and to be guided properly, it is necessary to measure the temperature regularly, or check with your hand heat the battery. If the temperature is between 55-65 degrees in the stack, or the center of the pile is hot, you can move the pile. In this phase, also the different layers made their function and you can always move the stack. Incorporate the battery once a week until the compost is warmer atmosphere, and dry eyes, brown and brittle. From this point, is ready and can be used as fertilizer for the garden. Just in time for fall and winter! So if you are wondering how composting can be done easily – get a list of orientation materials suitable for the construction of compost.

Composting with different materials

Green materials

Peel Vegetables Fruit remains eggshells vegetative grass coffee, green leaves

Materials Brown

Dried leaves chopped small pieces of dry wood sawdust straw Magazines

The following documents can not be composted

1.Fleisch, oil, grease

2 Wood Pressed

3 cat or dog / or residual products of waste /

4 Seed

5 Dairy Products

Three separate compost pile

Hide the compost heap smart

Building composter is