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Moving Tips and Checklist – If possible, stress-free move home

It combines movement with packing, cleaning, towing and lots of stress. Inner tension and restlessness, cause before and after passing a few days, you must solve and everything is stressful and chaotic, early plan to order. We offer some tips to move for a smooth process and a home stress free movement. With careful planning, good organizational skills and hard work, you can survive the move.

Moving Tips for Moving

Begin the movement by thinking any particular step. Plan logistics. Take notes. Create lists. When you need to leave your current home? Take the time to prepare for clean up and leave the key, so that you can breathe more easily.

Moving tips and planning

What can you do in your new home before to facilitate the transition? If possible, make all repairs and paint, while your new home is empty. It is ten times easier to work in an empty room, but to turn around a mountain of boxes. Find moving supplies or arrange with friends and relatives who can help on moving day. Rent an early pickup.

Labeling moving boxes

Start early to pack your household into boxes. We will pack the essentials for moving day, especially if you pay support on time. Prepare several open boxes "first" and mark them clearly. These include clean linen, toiletries, alarm clock, clothes for the next day, medicines, cooking utensils, such as coffee, tea, cereal bowls, spoons, pet food – all, everything you and your family need to be immediately comfortable in making your new home.

Making repairs and paints in advance

Write down what you need to do or need to buy. Put the list on the refrigerator in your new home or a place where you can see them. Be prepared that you will come for a few days to feel out of balance. This is quite normal.

Create lists

Take time to rest and eat healthy when you have moved. Buy fresh snack instead of chips or cookies fruit, or at least more chips and cookies! Drink lots of water. Sit down and take small breaks during the move. Your body is working overtime, then it must be treated as such.