Interior Design Ideas - Ofdesign

planning and design of garden – planting flowers, shrubs and trees

Careful design and garden design are all gardeners to the rescue. We give you a brief guide on how to plant step by step garden.

design and garden design – preparation

Before we get to work, you must prepare the soil. Now is a good time to fertilize and irrigate. Create a sketch of the garden and mark the distance between the house and the garden entrance. If your garden is on a slope, highlight the inclination angle of the drawing. Before planting the garden, you should ask if you want to enlarge the terrace, or need a new wooden bridge. The work is done before planting the garden.

Planting trees, shrubs and flowers – planning and design of gardens

Even the trees of medium height cost a little ', so it makes sense to plant trees at the start. Planning and design of gardens, it is important to provide different heights. Evergreens can always find a place in the garden. Bushes near the fence provide privacy and screen the garden. The next logical step is to plan the details – you want to create the lawn, where is the best place for the flower and how you can work the entrance to the cozy garden. If you want to create a garden pond, you need extra space for it and, of course, you have to take the cost of buying. When you have finished designing, you still need to prepare a design – and all branded planted flowers. In this way, you are sure to keep track of for years to come.

Garden Design – Create the first wooden fence and set the garden

Garden pond is to be built soon

Renovations should be undertaken in the first

Trees are investments that represent time

Fruit trees in the garden

Shrubs should be planted after the trees

Shrubs in the garden can provide personal information

Low flowers and climbing plants can be planted in late

Create volume by several tall bushes

Flower pots can be placed as decoration around the patio

Evergreens have a special place in the garden

Fountain in the garden can be built at the end