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Some rules you should consider when transplanting flowers

Yes, your potted plants grow very well, but there is enough time to plant them. So you need to follow certain rules to ensure that this process runs smoothly. We want to help you with some advice, so we present to you today the most important thing to transplant the flowers at home.

Find a vase of flowers matching – Flowers transplant

First, you definitely need a new pot, which should be 3-5 cm from the first. It is likely that the system is not immediately absorbed the soil substrate. Naturally, this can have a negative effect on the flower. But there are species of flowers, grow their roots very quickly, for example, dieffenbachia, delicious cheese plant and others. When transplanting flowers like these, there is generally no problem.

Repot plants and flowers

The second thing you should consider is a good drainage in the pot. Excess water is to function properly. You can fill the pot with drainage material. You can use, for example, pieces of ceramic, perlite or charcoal pieces. The soil should be moist and have chosen for your composition houseplants.

Pour a little after transplantation of flowers

Thirdly, do not adjust immediately after transplanting plants in full sun. Even if you have been careful transplanting root hairs flowers can be damaged by flower is provided with food and water from the soil. Is required for the restoration of root hairs at least 10 days. In the meantime, the plants should not be watered abundantly, then it is better to place the light on and stay warm, and sprinkle with water.

Repot houseplants and fertilize

In the fourth place, flowers transplanted we do not need to fertilize. The new soil in the pot contains enough fertilizers and nutrients sufficient for the normal development of flowers. You will surely be enough for 2-3 months, after this period, you can begin to enrich the soil with compost soil.

Repot the plants properly

Fifth, immediately after the transplant, it is recommended that the flowers spraying with warm water. Then you put them in a shady place. Voila, you're done! Simple and easy it is to do, is not it?

Sure, you can plant flowers in the garden, instead Umtopfen

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