Interior Design Ideas - Ofdesign

Yes Bamboo garden do at home – important garden design ideas

Want a bamboo garden to make at home? Then follow these tips and design a beautiful bamboo garden and decorate your beautiful outdoor courtyard with this exotic plant.

Making bamboo garden itself – first steps

To make a bamboo garden yourself, you must first take into account the climatic conditions. Several species of bamboo are adapted to different climatic conditions. Choose a place in the garden or on the terrace, where the plants receive enough sunlight. Use of a quality of the soil with high pH. You can also use fertilizers to grow faster than bamboo. If you are going to set the bamboo garden in pots, this method requires more specific care and attention.

Bamboo garden do at home – Procedure and advice

If you want to make himself a bamboo garden, the warm and humid climate is most suitable. But if the weather is cold enough, you decide that it is better for the family of bamboo Fargesia. The type of bamboo is more suitable for cold climates and requires less sun. If you live in a windy area, select clump forming bamboo. Do not grow too tall and strong roots.

The best conditions for a bamboo garden

And 'well known that bamboo grows best in clay. The best ideal pH for growing bamboo is six. Bamboo as water. Be warned, however, that the land in the garden of bamboo has good drainage. If you make a bamboo garden is in the room or on the balcony of decoration, you need a little 'more care. Select a type of bamboo, which is not too high. You also need to cut the tips of bamboo regularly. Make sure the pots you have selected plants for bamboo big enough. Subsequently, they are determined to repot bamboo, so that it can expand and more.

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Ramps Set of bamboo

Solid Bamboo Plants

Bamboo with different height

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Of tall bamboo plants in the backyard

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