Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant


Inspired by the amazing chameleon, designed the Czech Petr Hajek studio Architekti a modern house that blend into the landscape - in fact it is not as discreet as the versatile reptile, though, but very harmonious. Built in 2014, the 157.0-square-foot property on the outskirts of Prague, impressed by its architectural elegance combined with modern features.

A modern family home versatile as a chameleon


The house consists of six volumes bound in a different building orientation that specifically target each open to the natural environment "forest." The whole body as the chameleon is designed for life in the trees. Immersed in nature, surrounded by a garden with a forest-like atmosphere, the Chameleon home exudes peace and security. Despite its monolithic design language and the strict geometry of the building seems to be driven in a game of transparency and consistency to the light

Shortly shiny facade partially glazed with depth effect

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

The project of a modern family takes the most important elements of the natural environment and integrates them into the room. The space transparent, bright and spacious with an unusual plant reveals a relaxing view of the surrounding greenery.

Chameleon House Petr Hajek Architekti

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

It 'so nice to stay away from cars and traffic noises, surrounded by trees. The spacious rooms offer access to a judge who is not otherwise visible. There is a höhliger reception room, room for working, eating, relaxing, bedroom and bathroom, always accompanied by a vision of the natural environment.

Building with a playful geometry,

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

All rooms at the Chameleon House is aligned according to a particular tree - bedroom and living room - after the apple, peach and cherry bathroom. White spruce and walnut enrich the landscape of the garden and contribute to biodiversity.

Photo: Benedict Markel, Pavel Pszczolka, Radka Janková

glass facades reflect the green landscape

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Casa Chameleon built in the countryside

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Plenty of sun enters the room on cold winter days

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Premises through an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern detached house surrounded by trees

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Unique atmosphere close to reign in nature in every room

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Comfortable stay close to nature

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Adjusting the season natural home

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant

Modern family house in Prague with an unusual plant