Design wooden wall lamps – similar astronomical phenomena "Kolo"


These wooden design called "Kolo" and were designed by Polish designer Pani Jurek in collaboration with the architect Piotr Musiałowski wall lamps. Kolo lights resemble astronomical phenomena and change their brightness to the touch. The kinetic design 'Kolo magnet "works if you can drag a magnet on the surface of the lamp to adjust the intensity of the light on the needs of the users." Functions Kolo sand "as hourglass. Is filled with a granular material and in response to its position, accompanied by a soft cushion.

Wall of fire design with attractive features

Wall light

When the lamp is reversed, the granules to move the circle to cover and slowly, so that the brightness of the lamp turns off. To stop this process, should be tilted to the side. These create amazing pieces of design a spectrum of different effects and give a soft light and radiant. Perfect for those who do not have to sleep in the dark.

Design wall of fire "Kolo" with two mechanisms


Kolo sand

Design wooden wall lamps - similar astronomical phenomena "Kolo"

Magnetic Kolo

Design wooden wall lamps - similar astronomical phenomena "Kolo"

as a darkening of the sun

Design wooden wall lamps - similar astronomical phenomena "Kolo"

Design wooden wall lamps - similar astronomical phenomena "Kolo"

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