Intensive and extensive green roofs – A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Roof garden

The intensive green roof and offers a number of environmental and economic benefits. Thanks to its merits wearing green roofs sustainable architecture. Green roofs can be made using many and varied - from lawns, sports fields through the idyllic rooftop urban gardens. Modern systems for green roofs create a dynamic habitat for many forms of vegetation on the roof and the ceiling.

Extensive green roof - bring a little 'of nature in the urban landscape


An extensive green roof is beautiful and has a positive impact on stormwater runoff and temperature. Planning green roof requires extensive technical knowledge sufficient, especially as regards the selection of plants. It is a semi-natural vegetation with minimal care needs - once in the spring and autumn time. Drought-resistant grasses, in particular, green and herbs created. In this case, watering the garden is rarely required.

Extensive green roof as a protective environment - Advantages

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Green Roofs away heat at high temperature. It continues up to 90% return precipitation and humidify the air. This provides a large green roof for cooling and especially wellness atmosphere. Filter intensive planting 20% ​​of the dust from the air and improve the sound insulation in an urban environment. For the production of high quality recycled asphalt roofing materials.

Areas of intensive planting seeds or lawn

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Greening with a new habitat on the roof. Intensive green roofs offer many possibilities for design. There are two fields, and planting trees as possible. Once dry, especially lawn areas need to be watered regularly. However, on the roof of the conditions for the growth of plants are not worse than at the bottom. Under a green roof, roof insulation is effectively protected against UV rays, heat and cold. Intensive or extensive green roof further contributes to low power consumption.

Green roof over garage

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Extensive green roof

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Green roofs - the extension of the living room

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Green roofs offer many environmental and economic benefits

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

The plants intensive green roof

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Green roof - urban gardens

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Flat roofs

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Meadows - Green Roof landscape

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Life on the roof

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Turn the roof into a green oasis

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

Intensive Green Roofs with planting areas

Intensive and extensive green roofs - A tendency to sustainable lifestyle

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